Friday, September 18, 2009

The End is Here......Or Just the Beginning

We just finished our training with the Perpetual Education Fund. What an incredible program this is. President Hinckley announced this in March of 2001. The more we learned about it the more impressed we became and are excited about our part in it's administration. The program came out of a concern for missionaries in third-world countries. For so many of them their mission is the first time they've slept in a bed, had three meals in a day and had nice clothes to wear. Then they return home to abject poverty. Therefore, the PEF. The program was originally funded through voluntary donations and only the interest is used.

The loans are available to young people(mission not required)in poor countries throughout the world. They're low interest and can be repaid in small amounts. There's no room to describe all the details but in short, if they meet certain objectives they can get a 1% reduction in the interest rate and if all are met no interest is charged. The money, when repaid, is then available to others. Education in many countries doesn't always accomplish what it does in the United States so many will choose a technical school or a trade. There are currently about 40 thousand in the program and graduates are earning 3 to 5 times what they were before the program. In addition, and as significant, they are learning leadership and commitment qualities. It will be our blessing to recruit and assist many young people to complete this program and make great advances for themselves, their families and their communities.

For life changing stories go to ""
You might also be interested in LDS Philanthropies


  1. Yea! I'm so excited about you both going to Ugunda and I am so glad i got to talk to you last night Carol!

    I pray you make is safetly to Ugunda!! Love you! -Sarah

  2. The perpetual education fund is my favorite! I love this program!
